Fall Baseball Season
This info is for the September to November season.
LCYO Fall Ball is casual and inexpensive, and is a great way to keep your player's skills sharp & prepare for the spring season. It’s particularly helpful to players who are moving up to a new division, as they will be introduced to new skills in a low-key setting. Practices & games are only on Sundays, so there's no conflict with recreational soccer or football. You will find out practice times and locations once your player has been placed on a team. Fall is a friend request season. If you have some friends you want your child to play with, please make sure to list them in your registration.
Additional Information:
- Practices will start the Sunday after Labor Day Weekend.
- Games will begin about 2 weeks later ending with the last game being the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
- Friend requests are allowed. Make sure to add them in your registration.
- The best way to ensure you are on a team with friends is to volunteer to coach, assistant coach or manage a team.
- Adults interested in coaching must also register as a Volunteer to Manage or Assist (please try to do this at the same time as when you register your player). Please consider coaching!
Team Formation:
There are no player evaluations conducted for the Fall Ball season. The Division Director and Fall Ball Team Managers will form teams.
What is the appropriate division for my player in the Fall?
Divisions for Fall 2024 are based on the player's year of birth which translates into the Division they will play in during the Spring Season (to see age cut offs per division go to our main baseball page). Essentially, Fall is a short session to expose the kids to the division they will play in the Spring Season. This is the best time for your player to try out the new division when they are moving up into the next division, because it is low key and a great opportunity to learn and prepare for the division they will be playing in during the Spring season.
Players need to provide:
- Baseball glove
- Cleats (non-metal)
- Baseball Pants
- Batting helmet
- Baseball Bat
- Cup
- Sliding shorts (not required but recommended for Mustang and up)